Outline for October 12, 2012

Reading: § 6, 8
Assignment Due: October 12, 2012 at 5:00PM

  1. Relations
    1. Operators ==, >, >=, <, <=, ==, \lstinline/!=/
    2. Precedence: resolved after arithmetic operators
    3. Connectives: and, or, not
  2. Indefinite loops
    1. while [while.py]
    2. Contrast with for
    3. break causes program to fall out of loop (works with for too) [loop1.py]
    4. continue causes program to start loop over immediately (works with for too)
  3. Program to make change [change.py]
  4. Integers, floating point numbers, characters
    1. Difference between integers and floating point numbers
    2. Character representation and ordering [ord.py]
  5. Cæsar cipher
    1. How it works
    2. Encipher [caesarenc.py]
    3. Decipher [caesardec.py]

A PDF version is available here.
ECS 10, Basic Concepts of Computing
Fall Quarter 2012