Top-Down Programming Example: Cæsar Cipher

Step #1: Problem Statement

Goal: Write a program to encipher input text using a Cæsar cipher

Specification: State the inputs, outputs, and assumptions

The user enters some input. We need to decide how to handle it.

The program should print both the input and the output.

Step #2: Design

High-level design: Describe how the program will work

    set key to 3
    read input string; quit on EOF (end of file)
        get next character in string; fall out of loop if at end
        encipher it (see above)
        add it to output
    print input string, output string, each surrounded by double quotes

Data: How do you represent the data?

Represent the input and the output as strings; we will collect the encrypted input into a string and output both at the end.
Store the key as an integer.
To encipher a letter, represent the letter as a number between 0 and 25 inclusive (0 being “a” or “A”, …, 25 being “z” or “Z”), add the key value, reduce modulo 26, and translate back into a letter.

Functions: What functions do we need?

Enciphering occurs in 2 places: for capitals and for lower-case letters. Define a function to do this.
The function will do the actual encipherment:

If we want to change the algorithm, we change it here

Refinement: Refine algorithm

      1. key = 3
      2. plain = input()
      3. on error or EOF, quit
      4. cipher = empty
      5. for next character in plain
      6.     if it’s a capital
      7.         map it into 0… 25
      8.         call encipherment function to encipher it
      9.         map result back into 'A'… 'Z'
    10.         append it to cipher
    11.     else if it’s lower case
    12.         map it into 0… 25
    13.         call encipherment function to encipher it
    14.         map result back into 'a' … 'z'
    15.         append it to cipher
    16.     else
    17.         append it to cipher
    18. print plain "->" cipher

Let’s refine the input a bit, bearing the Python language in mind. We need to read the input using a try … except construct. We won’t check for EOFError in the except, so any kind of error immediately causes the program to end. This means we need to exit the program in the body of the except. The cleanest way to do this is with a return statement, so we will write the program as a main() function.

Let’s also make the key a variable. That way, we can change it very quickly. We normally put such variables at the beginning of the file, so we can find them easily.


# this corresponds to a key of 'D' ('A' = 0, ... 'Z' = 25)
# it's near the top so we can find (and change) it easily
key = 3
# the encipherment function
def encipher(p, k):
return (p + k) % 26
# now the main routine
def main():
    # ask user for input message (plaintext)
        plain = input("Enter your message here: ")

    # initialize output (ciphertext)
    cipher = ""

    # encipher each character and append it to current ciphertext
    for i in plain:
        # leave non-letters alone
            # map the letter into 0 . . 25
            n = ord(i) - ord(’A’)
            # shift it
            c = encipher(n, key)
            # map it back into a letter
            lett = chr(ord(’A’) + c)
        elif i in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz":
            # map the letter into 0 . . 25
            n = ord(i) - ord(’a’)
            # shift it
            c = encipher(n, key)
            # map it back into a letter
            lett = chr(ord(’a’) + c)
            lett = i
        # now append it
        cipher = cipher + lett

    # print it, surrounded by quotes
    print("%s -> %s" % (plain, cipher))
# run the program

UC Davis seal
Matt Bishop
Office: 2209 Watershed Science
Phone: +1 (530) 752-8060
Email: [email protected]
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Version of February 23, 2019 at 2:12PM