Outline for March 8

Reading: text, §11.1–11.2
Due: Homework 5, due on March 15 at 11:55pm

  1. Sorting
    1. Bubble sort [bubblesort.py]
    2. Merge sort [mergesort.py]
    3. Quicksort [quicksort.py]
    4. Selection sort [selectsort.py]
  2. Classes and objects [cards.py]
    1. User-defined types (classes)
    2. Instantiate (create) new object (__init__)
    3. Objects and attributes
    4. Objects and methods
    5. Printing objects (__str__)

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Matt Bishop
Office: 2209 Watershed Science
Phone: +1 (530) 752-8060
Email: [email protected]
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Version of March 7, 2019 at 2:14PM