Lecture #4: Storage and Structures

Reading: Holmes, Chapters 11 and 14
Handouts: Linked Lists
  1. Greetings and felicitations
  2. Storage classes
    1. register, auto, extern, static
    2. "static" functions are really scope
  3. Initializations
    1. simple variables
    2. arrays (ANSI: can do auto arrays; K&R: can't)
  4. Structures
    1. layout, tags
    2. fields (note direction is implementation-dependent)
    3. nesting (no)

Linked Lists

This program does an insertion sort using a linked list. I've also shown the sort of error handling that good C programs have; notice that createnode returns a NULL pointer if malloc fails, and the caller (main) reacts appropriately. Also, notice the way the input is checked; if it's not a number, the rest of the line is thrown away and an error message is produced. This tells the user what happened. and why.
 * This program reads in numbers and sorts them in increasing
 * numerical order. The data structure used is a linked list;
 * each element looks like this:
 *	+--------------+
 *      |  data field  |  <--- holds the integer that you read in
 *	+--------------+
 *      |  next field  |  <--- holds pointer to next element in
 *	+--------------+       linked list (NULL if nothing
 *	                       follows it)
 * The pointer variable "head" contains a pointer to the first
 * element in the linked list (NULL if there are no elements
 * in the linked list)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>

* structure for the list
struct num {
	int data;		 /* data field (number to be sorted)  */
	struct num *next;    /* points to next element in list */
				 /* (NULL pointer if no next element) */

 * pointer to the first element (the head) of the list
 * NULL if there's nothing in the list
struct num *head = NULL;

 * create a new node
 * and initialize the two fields
struct num *createnode(int n)
	struct num *p;		/* pointer to new space */

	/* create the element, reporting errors */
	if ((p = malloc(sizeof(struct num))) == NULL)

	/* initialize the element */
	p->data = n;
	p->next = NULL;

	/* return a pointer to the new entity */

 * insert the element that new points to into the linked list,
 * and return a pointer to the (possibly new) head of the list
struct num *insert(struct num *new)
	struct num *prev, *temp;

	/* empty list: put head at the front */
	if (head == NULL)

	/* it goes before the first element */
	if (head->data > new->data){
		new->next = head;

	 * now walk the list
	 * from here on in, prev->next == temp
	 * we'll insert after prev and before temp
	prev = head;
	temp = head->next;
	while(temp != NULL && temp->data < new->data){
		/* advance prev and temp */
		prev = temp;
		temp = temp->next;

	 * here's the insertion
	 * make prev->nect the new element
	 * and new->next the one temp points to
	new->next = temp;
	prev->next = new;

	/* return the pointer to the head of the list */

 * the main routine
 * read in numbers and sort them
int main(void)
	int i;		/* number of numbers read by scanf */
	int n;		/* what scanf read */
	struct num *p;	/* pointer to element for linked list */

	 * loop through the input
	while((i = scanf("%d", &n)) != EOF){

		/* error check; was a number read? */
		if (i == 0){
			/* no; give error and print rest of line */
			fprintf(stderr, "illegal number: ");
			while((i = getchar()) != EOF && i != '\n')
				fputc(i, stderr);
			fputc('\n', stderr);

		/* create a new node, and give error on failure */
		if ((p = createnode(n)) == NULL){
				"no more memory on input %d\n", n);

		/* insert new element into linked list */
		head = insert(p);

	/* skip to next line, for cleaner output */

	 * print the list
	 * start at head, print data field of each element
	 * and go on to the next
	for(p = head; p != NULL; p = p->next)
		printf("%d\n", p->data);

	/* bye-bye */

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Department of Computer Science
University of California at Davis
Davis, CA 95616-8562

Page last modified on 10/12/97