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You will be modifying the kernel's source 0Nzcode, recompiling and assembling it, using  make (1) to link the various executable files, and then produce a new @MINIX boot disk. .h sThese programs require only rather minor modifications to MINIX. The key is locating the current code that should t@;be modified; surely, there are many acceptable solutions. 3ǁ sTo receive credit for your solutions, show the TAs the modifications you have made to the kernel source code. Also 0遮odemonstrate your new kernel running programs that show that your new kernel meets the requirements of the prob@Plem. Think carefully to come up with programs that demonstrate your new kernel. : mSubmit a boot disk with your new Minix system to the homework box by the deadline. Put your sources for your 0nchanges to the MINIX kernel, and the program(s) you wish to run to demonstrate your new kernel, onto a second @$disk, and submit that disk as well. 0 rModify the MINIX kernel to record the number of  open, close, read, write, exec, getpid, fork, stat, unlink, vkill  system calls each process makes. That is, you will use an array, perhaps as part of the process table, to "record for each process how many times it has made a specific system call,  e . g .,  open . When a particular hot-key tis depressed (you pick the key), this array will be displayed. To convince yourself that the kernel is functioning maccording to the requirement, run a program that will make lots of system calls and show that they are being @Drecorded. Remember to initialize the array when the process begins! 1`RFor details on the hot keys, look over the description on the bottom of page 295. 6 }Modify the MINIX process table so that it contains a  priority  field for each process. The priority of a newly cre05rated process is to be zero, and the priority is to decrease by 1 each time the process loses the CPU whether by shaving its quantum expire or when it makes a system call. When the scheduler picks a process to run, it will pick @ the highest-priority process. >\`LPick a hot-key that when struck will print the priorities of all processes. @ lYou will be asked to demonstrate that your new MINIX kernel properly modifies priority and always schedules pwqprocesses with highest priority. To do this, you might want to have a number of long processes around, and then @[create a few short processes and demonstrate that these get scheduled as you would expect. 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