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Throughout 0Ithis handout, an address in virtual memory is a pair ( logical_page ,  offset ) where  logical_page  is the page number within the logical address space and  offset  the offset into that page. Also,  page_size  is the size of the page (which is a tmultiple of 2). We will assume the entire program is in memory, so no error handling is given; were this assumption sfalse, the situation where the requested address were not in memory would need to be handled (by generating a page @'fault and loading the necessary page): 4흙`-Paging Address Translation by Direct Mapping 5܁ vThis method stores the page table in main memory and the address of this table in the process control block, in a reg0ister called the page table base register. Let the page table base register be called  pt_base_register , and let memory @0represent the main store of the computer. Then: 6`hfunction   NL_map (( logical_page ,  offset )):  physical_address ; 7`begin 8` NL_map  :=  memory [ pt_base_register  +  logical_page ] *  page_size  +  offset ; :`end  (* NL_map *) ; h,In pictures, here is what is going on:  >˝`2Paging Address Translation by Associative Mapping ?܁ zIn this algorithm,  assoc_page_table  represents an associative memory. This function can check a type of memory 0ocalled "associative memory" (or "cache" or "lookaside memory") which stores both a frame number and a page num{ber. The search is done in parallel, and is much faster than a linear (or binary) search. The function returns the frame @%number associated with its argument: @`^function  NL_map(( logical_page ,  offset )):  physical_address ; A`begin B`r NL_map  :=  assoc_page_table ( logical_page ) *  page_size  +  offset ; D`end  (* NL_map *) Fg`HPaging Address Translation with Combined Associative and Direct Mapping WG܁y {This combines the above two methods. The array  page_table  is a small associative store that can hold only a few HH;6HHB66 靕lH$ =!:H$ 99靕l H$ =!H$ 8W܁܁l4May 18, 1999ECS 150 Spring 1999Page 1 HUV =!8HHUV GG靕l EGxR=EGxREPwEPw TableFootnote}?H ?>1=?H @EW*a }H ?><H @EW+a d???d?>d@@ 靕l d?>dR=?RUX[^adgjmpsvy| %).1 HH@HHBG܁܁ypage numbers; there is also a page table kept in memory. For this method, we shall assume that if there is no entry for  큩logical_page  in the associative memory,  assoc_page_table  returns 1. Taking everything else as in the previous two D sections: Hdhfunction   NL_map (( logical_page ,  offset )):  physical_address ; Id4var  frame_number :  integer ; Jdbegin KdO frame_number  :=  assoc_page_table ( logical_page ); Ld^ if   frame_number  = -1  then (* not in associative memory *) Md\ NL_map  :=  memory [ pt_base_register  +  logical_page ] /d1*  page_size  +  offset ; Od  else PdW NL_map  :=  frame_number  *  page_size  +  offset ; Qdend  (* NL_map *) RdNThis is the most common method, and is used in modern computers with paging. Ad HH@HH7AA 靕lcCڡ@EE6  @C =QuickDraw PICT #%v ,,NMSWDO N 48& , Geneva .N(*CPUa{j0"t4Si8 i 4i4"Si#### ### #&(p"b `&(&o&@(E{pa7R0!`"%ae˝0!aV10"t"`vK!4SWF8&( physical ?+ Bmemory& (?y page table&3@(frameT=X&*(V+48&}(PTBRaj0"t"ba*C}0!SG &( frame4;$z8&w@(qAframe";K&)o&4@(physical address4=8& @(Qp o"K& (virtual (address =EndInset  HUV =!HUV ❝:W܁܁l?Last modified at 11:01 pm on Thursday, May 13, 1999 HH=!:HHII 靕l HH=!HH❝HW܁܁` dLeftd!Rightd Referenced dHTMLd>HTMLd Headingsd$Ŀ@@ ZMapping Table Title. Ŀ@@ ZBody. f@ ZBody. f@ Z BodySpaced. Ŀ@@ ZFooter. f@T Z TableTitleT:Table : . f@ Z Bulleted\t. f@ Z...Date. mf@ Zl. DateProject. Ŀ@@ ZHeader Double Line. f@T ZHeading1Body. f@ Z Numbered.\t. f@E Z Numbered1.\tNumbered. f@ Z NumberedSpaced.\t. f@ Z.Reading. f@ ZBody. Ŀ@@ ZHeader Double Line. f@ Z CellFooting. f@ Z CellHeading. f@ Z CellBody. Ŀ@@ ZMapping Table Cell.  f@PZTitleBody. Ŀ@@3Mapping Table Cell. f@$Z.Line Single Line. Ŀ@@ 3Mapping Table Cell. 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