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FCW"a }?H =cD%'?H FCW#a }H =eD&(H FCW$a }H =gD')H FCW%a }d =jD(.d FDW&aCharacter Macros HH;"HH❝+G܁e HH;$3HH**靕l}?d =lD?d FDW'a }?d =nD?d FDW(a }? =pD)/? FEW)a Macro Name }?H =rD.0?H FEW*a Replace With }H =tD/1H FEW+a Comments }? =vD0B? FFW,a HUV ;.HUV ❝3G܁e HUV ;05+HUV 22靕l H$ ;1H$ 5G܁e H$ ;33H$ 44靕l HH;4HH~--7 `Page Replacement Algorithms 0,` Introduction 1܁ sThis handout shows how the various page replacement algorithms work. We shall call the pages of the program a, b, I@5c, to distinguish them from the time (1, 2, 3, ). 2b`Fixed Number of Frames 4܁t |We shall demonstrate these algorithms by running them on the reference string  w  = cadbebabcd and assume that, ini0ātialy, pages a, b, c, and d occupy frames 0, 1, 2, and 3 respectively. When appropriate, the little arrow    indicates the @\location of the pointer which indicates where the search for the next victim will begin. 6`First In/First Out (FIFO) 7܁`>This policy replaces pages in the order of arrival in memory. 8`time012345678910 9 `w cadbebabcd :``frame 0  a  a  a  a  aeeee  ed ;`?frame 1bbbbb  b  baaa  a <`)frame 2ccccccc  cbbb =`)frame 3dddddddd  dcc >`page fault12345 ?`page(s) loadedeabcd @` page(s) removedabcde A:`Optimal (OPT, MIN) B܁J`mThis policy selects for replacement the page that will not be referenced for the longest tile in the future. CV`time012345678910 D `w cadbebabcd E`frame 0aaaaaaaaaad F`frame 1bbbbbbbbbbb G`frame 2ccccccccccc H`frame 3dddddeeeeee K`page fault12 L`page(s) loadeded M`page(s) removedda O`Least Recently Used (LRU) ܁`dThis policy selects for replacement the page that has not been used for the longest period of time. ΁`time012345678910  `w cadbebabcd 3`frame 0aaaaaaaaaaa 5`frame 1bbbbbbbbbbb I`frame 2ccccceeeeed J`frame 3dddddddddcc N`page fault123 P`page(s) loadedecd Q`page(s) removedcde R`!stack (top)cadbebabcd S`cadbebabc T`caddeeab AU`$stack (bottom)caaddea HH;6HH 66 靕l HH>1!HH{9`Working Set (WS) ܁ vThis policy tries to keep all pages in a process' working set in memory. This table shows the pages consitiuting the 0wworking set at each reference. Here, we take the working set to be that set of pages which has been referenced during @qthe last  t  = 4 units. We also assume that a was referenced at time 0, d at time -1, and e at time -2. `time012345678910  `w ccdbcecead  `Page aaaaaaa  `Page bbbbb  `Page ccccccccccc  `Page ddddddddd `Page eeeeeeee `page fault12345 `page(s) loadedcbead `page(s) removedead `Page Fault Frequency (PFF) ܁ rThis approximation to the working set policy tries to keep page faulting to some prespecified range. If the time 0Ёybetween the current and the previous page fault exceeds some critical value t, then all pages not referenced during that uinterval are removed. This table shows the pages resident at each reference. Here, we take t = 2 units and assume @*that initially, a, d, and e are resident. `time012345678910  `w ccdbcecead `Page aaaaaaa `Page bbbbbb `Page ccccccccccc `Page ddddddddddd `Page eeeeeeeeee `page fault12345 `page(s) loadedcbead `!page(s) removed?a,eb,d A` HH>3!HH 88 靕l d;;<@H$ ;<;>H$ == 靕l H$ ;=;H$ <W܁܁h4May 18, 1999ECS 150 Spring 1999Page 3  HUV ;>;<@HUV ?? 靕l HUV ;?;HUV ❝>W܁܁h=Last modified at  10:54 pm on Monday, May 17, 1999  HH;@;>HHAA 靕l HH;A;HH❝@W܁܁` }?H =xD1C?H FFW-a }H =zDBH FFW.a d=~EEd=DdFF 靕l d=DdRCERUX[^adgjmpsvy| %).1 dLeftd;Rightd ReferenceddHTMLdDHTMLd Headingsd d!Ŀ@@ ZMapping Table Title. Ŀ@@ ZBody.  f@PZTitleBody. f@T ZHeading1Body. Ŀ@@ ZFooter. f@T Z TableTitleT:Table : . f@T ZHeading2Body. f@ ZBody. Ŀ@@ ZHeader Double Line. f@ Z CellFooting. f@ Z CellHeading. f@ Z CellBody. Ŀ@@ ZMapping Table Cell. Ŀ@@3Mapping Table Cell. Ŀ@@ 3Mapping Table Cell. 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