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A typical hardā@(ware instruction cycle looks like this: 4 `loop 5`N w  :=  M [ instr_ctr ];(* fetch instruction *) 6`0 oc  :=  Opcode ( w ); 7`2 adr  :=  Address ( w ); 8`1 instr_ctr  :=  instr_ctr  + 1; 9`% case   oc   of :`L1: reg  :=  reg + M [ adr ];(* add *) ;`@2: M [ adr ] :=  reg ;(* store *) <`:3: instr_ctr  :=  adr ;(* branch *) =` >`  end ? `end  (* loop *) A)`Dynamic Relocation B܁; uDynamic relocation refers to address transformations being done during execution of a program. In what follows, the 0Gzfunction  NL_map  (for Name Location map) maps the relocatable (virtual) address va given in the program into the @.real (physical) storage address  pa : C`*pa  :=  NL_map ( va ) D`:So, a typical hardware instruction cycle looks like this: E `loop F`` w  :=  M [ NL_map ( instr_ctr )];(* fetch instruction *) G`0 oc  :=  Opcode ( w ); H`2 adr  :=  Address ( w ); I`1 instr_ctr  :=  instr_ctr  + 1; J`% case   oc   of K`_1: reg  :=  reg + M [ NL_map ( adr )];(* add *) L`S2: M [ NL_map ( adr )] :=  reg ;(* store *) M`M3: instr_ctr  :=  NL_map ( adr );(* branch *) N` O`  end P `end  (* loop *) C` HH;6HH66 靕lH$ =!:H$ 99靕l H$ =!H$ 8W܁܁h4May 18, 1999ECS 150 Spring 1999Page 1 HUV =!8HHUV GG靕l EGxR>EGxREPwEPw TableFootnote}?H @$>1=?H @EW*a }H @&><H @EW+a d@*??d@+>d@@ 靕l d@,>dR=?RUX[^adgjmpsvy| %).1 HUV =!HUV ❝:W1܁܁h=Last modified at 10:49 pm on Monday, May 17, 1999 HH=!:HHII 靕l HH=!HH❝HWQ܁܁` dLeftd!Rightd ReferenceddHTMLd>HTMLd HeadingsĿ@@ ZMapping Table Title. 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