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Throughout this handout,  page_size  is the size of the page (which is a multiple of 2),  seg_tbl_base_reg  ~contains the address of the base of the segment table, and  memory  is the main store of the computer. We will assume tthe entire program is in memory, so no error handling is given; were this assumption false, the situation where the qrequested address were not in memory would need to be handled (by generating a fault and loading the appropriate @data structure). 4흙`Segmented Paging 5܁ In this algorithm, the page tables are segmented. The virtual address is represented as a pair ( logical_page ,  offset ), 0but the  logical_page  consists of a pair ( seg_number ,  seg_offset ) indicating which segment number  seg_number  of the page table the frame number  frame_no  is stored in, and the offset  seg_offset  from the base of that segment table. As {usual, an associative memory is first checked; this will be represented by the funcetion  assoc_page_table , which @Areturns the frame number if that is in the table, and 1 if not: 6`hfunction   NL_map (( logical_page ,  offset )):  physical_address ; 7`Jvar  frame_no :  integer ;(* number of frame *) 8`Q pg_tbl_base :  integer ;(* addr. of page table segment *) 9`begin :`K frame_no  :=  assoc_page_table ( logical_page ); ;`@ if   frame_no  = -1  then   begin <`` pg_tbl_base  :=  memory [ seg_tbl_base_reg  +  seg_number ]; =`X frame_no  :=  memory [ pg_tbl_base  +  seg_offset ]; >` end ; ?`R NL_map  :=  frame_no  *  page_size  *  offset ; @`end  (* NL_map *) Bq`Paged Segmentation C܁Ɂ In this algorithm, the segments are paged. The virtual address is represented as a pair ( seg_number ,  offset ), but the  offset consists of a pair ( page_number ,  page_offset ), indicating which page number  page_number  of the segment  seg_number  the frame number  frame_no  is stored in, and the offset  page_offset  from the base of that page. As usual, "an associative memory is first checked; this will be represented by the funcetion  assoc_page_table , which returns the @oframe number if that is in the table, and 1 if not. Note it takes the segment number as an argument as well: D`ffunction   NL_map (( seg_number ,  offset )):  physical_address ; E`Jvar  frame_no :  integer ;(* number of frame *) F`Q pg_tbl_base :  integer ;(* addr. of page table segment *) G`begin H`` frame_no  :=  assoc_page_table ( seg_number ,  page_number ); I`@ if   frame_no  = -1  then   begin J`` pg_tbl_base  :=  memory [ seg_tbl_base_reg  +  seg_number ]; K`Y frame_no  :=  memory [ pg_tbl_base  +  page_number ]; L` end ; M`W NL_map  :=  frame_no  *  page_size  *  page_offset ; N`end  (* NL_map *) CO` In pictures: HH;6HHD66 靕lH$ =!:H$ 99靕l H$ =!H$ 8W܁܁h4May 18, 1999ECS 150 Spring 1999Page 1 HUV =!8HHUV GG靕l EGxR=EGxREPwEPw TableFootnote}?H ?>1=?H @EW*a }H ?><H @EW+a d???d?>d@@ 靕l d?>dR=?RUX[^adgjmpsvy| %).1d@cDD @b =QuickDraw PICT #%v ,,MSWD a;90"eu, Geneva .((s,d) 4C8    ? "#### ### #(s"?  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