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F;Wa Macro Name d= d= d 靕l d= do  W܁܁Bm }蝝d = 蝝d  <W|aHeadings Table }H蝝d = H蝝d  <W}a }H蝝d = H蝝d  <W~a }H= H =!Paragraph ForPAmat }HH= HH  =WaHeading Level }H= H  =Wa Comments }H= H >W aTitle }HH= HH  >Wa }H= H  >Wa }KH = KH  ?Wa Heading1 }HKH = HKH  ?Wa }KH = KH  ?Wa }WH = WH  @Wa Heading2 }HWH = HWH  @W a }WH = WH  @W a }cH = cH  AW a }HcH = HcH  AW a }cH = cH  AW a HH?4HH3-- _dRound Robin (RR) `܁d9This policy services jobs for a fixed quantum (here, 5). ad=jobarrivalservicestartfinishturnaroundwaitingresponse bߝd)nametimetimetimetimetimetimeratio cd2A01005e nd of quantum; B starts  dd5232828182.8 ed+B129510 end of quantum; C starts fd*242833 end of quantum; D starts gd*194045 end of quantum; E starts hd14476160312.1 idC2310131183.7 jd+D371318 end of quantum; E starts kd2333532254.6 ld,E4121823 end of quantum; A starts md)73540 end of quantum; B starts nd2454743313.5 odmean 35233.3 qʝdSelfish Round Robin (SRR) r܁$uThis policy services jobs for a fixed quantum (here, 1). The priority of new processes increases at a rate of 3 per squantum, of accepted processes at a rate of 2 per quantum. Note that new process promotions from the new queue to U:D,the ready queue precede quanta expirations. sd timejobready queuenew queue td4running(at end of interval)(at end of interval) ud0-1AA(2)B(0) vd1-2AA(4)B(3), C(0) wd2-3AB(6), A(6)C(3), D(0) xd#3-4BA(8), B(8)C(6), D(3), E(0) yd$4-5AB(10),A(10)C(9), D(6), E(3) zd&5-6BA(12), C(12), B(12)D(9), E(6) {d'6-7AC(14), B(14), A(14)D(12), E(9) |d(7-8CB(16), A(16), C(16)D(15), E(12) }d(8-9BA(18), C(18), D(18), B(18)E(15) ~d)9-10AC(20), D(20), B(20), A(20)E(18) d*10-11CD(22), B(22), A(22), C(22)E(21) d+11-12DB(24), A(24), C(24), E(24), D(24) d" round robin from here on   d;The relevant numbers (ignoring start and finish time) are: d=jobarrivalservicestartfinishturnaroundwaitingresponse d)nametimetimetimetimetimetimeratio dA01027172.7 dB12960312.1 dC2315125.0  dD3733264.7  dE41244323.7 C dmean 35.823.63.6 HH?6HH79 靕ld?799 }?H =[D #?H F;Wa Replace With }H =]D"$H F;W aHead }H =_D#%H F;W!a Comments }? =aD$&? FCW"a }?H =cD%'?H FCW#a }H =eD&(H FCW$a }H =gD')H FCW%a }d =jD(.d FDW&aCharacter Macros HH;"HH❝+G܁e HH;$3HH**靕l}?d =lD?d FDW'a }?d =nD?d FDW(a }? =pD)/? FEW)a Macro Name }?H =rD.0?H FEW*a Replace With }H =tD/1H FEW+a Comments }? =vD0B? FFW,a HUV ;.HUV ❝3G܁e HUV ;05+HUV 22靕l H$ ;1H$ 5G܁e H$ ;33H$ 44靕l HH;4HHx,,7 `Job Scheduling Algorithms 0,` Introduction 1܁`CThis handout shows how the various job scheduling algorithms work. 3V`First Come, First Serve (FCFS) 4܁h`4This policy services jobs in the order they arrive. 5t`=jobarrivalservicestartfinishturnaroundwaitingresponse 6`)nametimetimetimetimetimetimeratio 7`A0100101001.0 8`B12910393891.3 9`C233942403713.3 :`D37424946396.6 ;`E412496157454.8 <`mean 38265.4 >`Shortest Job Next (SJN) ܁ہ`,This policy services the shortest job next. `=jobarrivalservicestartfinishturnaroundwaitingresponse `)nametimetimetimetimetimetimeratio 2`A0100101001.0 =`B129326160312.1 D`C2310131183.7 E`D37132017102.4 F`E412203228162.3 G`mean 25132.3 Il`%Pre-emptive Shortest Job Next (PSJN) J܁~`;This policy services the shortest job next, pre-emptively. K`=jobarrivalservicestartfinishturnaroundwaitingresponse L`)nametimetimetimetimetimetimeratio M`!A01002 pre-empted by C N`8122020102.0 O`B129326160312.1 P`C2325301.0 Q`D37512921.3 R`E412203228162.3 S`mean 24121.7 T`"Highest Response Ratio Next (HRN) U܁`CThis policy services the job with the highest response ratio next. V!`=jobarrivalservicestartfinishturnaroundwaitingresponse W`)nametimetimetimetimetimetimeratio X`A0100101001.0 Y`B129326160312.1 Z`C2310131183.7 [`D37132017102.4 \`E412203228162.3 C]`mean 25132.3 HH;6HH 66 靕l HH?8!HH̝((9 dMultilevel Feedback (MLFB) ܁dFThe variant of this class of scheduling algorithms uses three levels: $qprocesses at level 1 are scheduled round robin; the relevant quantum is 2, and when a quantum expires the job is Dmoved to level 2. C$rprocesses at level 2 are scheduled round robin; the quantum is 4, and processes are allowed 2 quanta before being ODmoved to level 3. ^d:processes at level 3 are serviced first come first serve. j$qThe jobs A, B, C, D, and E have been augmented by F, a 1-second job arriving at time 13, and G, an 11-second job kUNDbarriving at time 50. These are to demonstrate that quanta are usually  not  interrupted. dkIn what follows, the number in parentheses in the comment field is the remaining service time for the job. d(timelevel 1level 2level 3comments d0AA(10) arrives, runs d-1ABB(29) arrives, A continues quantum dJ2BCAC(3) arrives, A's quantum expires (8), moves to level 2, B runs d-3BCDAD(7) arrives, B continues quantum dH4CDEABE(12) arrives, B's quantum expires (27), moves down, C runs d86DEABCC's quantum expires (1), moves down, D runs d88EABCDD's quantum expires (5), moves down, E runs !$T10ABCDEE's quantum expires (10), moves down, A runs from level 2 (level 1 is Dempty) d213FABCDEF(1) arrives, A's quantum continues d;14FABCDEA's quantum expires (4), F runs (at level 1) dA15ABCDEF finishes, B runs from level 2 (level 1 is empty)  d/19ABCDEB's quantum expires (23), C runs !d 20ABDEC finishes, D runs "d-24ABDED's quantum expires (1), E runs #d-28ABDEE's quantum expires (6), A runs $d32BDEA finishes, B runs %d836DEBB's quantum expires (19), moves down, D runs &d37EBD finishes, E runs !'$T41BEE's quantum expires (2), moves down, B runs from level 3 (since there is Dnothing in higher levels) (d-50GBEG arrives(11), B continues to run )d@60GEB finishes, G runs (since it is in the highest level) *dC62GEG's quantum expires (9), moves down, G runs from level 2 +d*66GEG's quantum expires (5), G runs ,d770EGG's quantum expires (1), moves down, E runs -d72GE finishes, G runs .d73G finishes A/d;The relevant numbers (ignoring start and finish time) are: HH?:!HH H88 靕ld?;HH d;;<@H$ ;<;>H$ == 靕l H$ ;=;H$ <W܁܁h3May 4, 1999ECS 150 Spring 1999Page 1  HUV ;>;<@HUV ?? 靕l HUV ;?;HUV ❝>W܁܁l<Last modified at  11:57 pm on Sunday, May 2, 1999  HH;@;>HHAA 靕l HH;A;HH❝@W܁܁` }?H =xD1C?H FFW-a }H =zDBH FFW.a d=~EEd=DdFF 靕l d=DdRCERUX[^adgjmpsvy| %).1 HH?<:HHH0܁܁d=jobarrivalservicestartfinishturnaroundwaitingresponse 1큩d)nametimetimetimetimetimetimeratio 2d A01002 preempted by B 3d81014 preempted by F 4d4283232223.2 5d B12924 preempted by C 6d 271519 preempted by C 7d 233236 preempted by D 8d19416059302.0 9dC2346 preempted by D :d1192018156.0 ;dD3768 preempted by E <d52024 preempted by E =d1363734274.9 >d!E412810 preempted by A ?d 102428 preempted by A @d63741 preempted by B Ad2707268565.7 BdF1311415212.0 Cd#G50116070 preempted by E Dd1727323122.1 Cdmean 33.723.33.7 HH?>:HH9GG 靕l dLeftd;Rightd ReferenceddHTMLdDHTMLd Headingsd d !d :Ŀ@@ ZMapping Table Title. 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