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X` Comments Y܁.$|lines 1-4Here,  readcount  contains the number of processes reading the file, and  writing  is true when a 0?swriter is writing to the file.  Oktoread  and  oktowrite  correspond to the logical conditions of DEbeing able to access the file for reading and writing, respectively. Zp$ulines 7-9In this routine, the reader announces that it is ready to read (by adding 1 to  readcount ). If a lwriter is accessing the file, it blocks on the condition variable  oktoread ; when done, the writer  DDwill signal on that condition variable, and the reader can proceed. [+$vlines 13-15In this routine, the reader announces that it is done (by subtracting 1 from  readcount ). If no Pemore readers are reading, it indicates a writer may go ahead by signalling on the condition variable HH;6HHB66 靕lH$ =!:H$ 99靕l H$ =!H$ 8W܁܁l@April 19, 1999ECS 150 Spring 1999Page 2 HUV =!8HHUV GG靕l EGxR=EGxREPwEPw TableFootnote}?H @>1=?H @EW*a }H @><H @EW+a d@??d@>d@@ 靕l d@>dR=?RUX[^adgjmpsvy| %).1 HH@yHHi  B[܁܁@oktowrite . 3\큩 {lines 19-21In this routine, the writer first sees if any readers or writers are accessing the file; if so, it waits until mthey are done. Then it indicates that it is writing to the file by setting the boolean  writing  to @ true . #] lines 26-31Here, the writer first announces it is done by setting  writing  to  false . Since readers have prihority, it then checks to see if any readers are waiting; if so, it signals all of them (as many readers @Ncan access the file simultaneously). If not, it signals any writers waiting. ^`(line 34This initializes the variables. A` HH@{HH7AA 靕l HUV =!HUV ❝:W܁܁l?Last modified at 10:52 pm on Monday, April 19, 1999 HH=!:HHII 靕l HH=!HH❝HW܁܁e dLeftd!Rightd Referenced dHTMLd>HTMLd HeadingsdĿ@@ GMapping Table Title. Ŀ@@ GBody. f@ GBody. f@ G BodySpaced. Ŀ@@ GFooter. f@T G TableTitleT:Table : . f@ G Bulleted\t. f@ G...Date. mf@ Gl. DateProject. Ŀ@@ GHeader Double Line. f@T GHeading1Body. f@ G Numbered.\t. f@E G Numbered1.\tNumbered. f@ G NumberedSpaced.\t. f@ G.Reading. f@ GBody. Ŀ@@ GHeader Double Line. f@ G CellFooting. f@ G CellHeading. f@ G CellBody. Ŀ@@ GMapping Table Cell.  f@PGTitleBody. Ŀ@@Mapping Table Cell. f@$G.Line Single Line. Ŀ@@ Mapping Table Cell. Ŀ@@ GMapping Table Cell. f@ GCellBody. f@ G CellHeading. f@ G Footnote. f@T GHeading2Body. f@T G HeadingRunInBody. f@ G Indented. f@ G TableFootnote. f@T G TableTitleT:Table : .  f@PGTitleBody.  f@T GHeading1Body. f@ G .$.H.l..... .D.h.Code. Hf@ GH. LineComment. f@ G .$.H.l..... .D.h.Code. Hf@ GH. LineComment.  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