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See Also: PA <$paratext> }TH@>TH @8Wxa }n? @>n? @9Wya }?nH @>?nH @9Wza }nH @>nH @9W{a }d @> d @:WaGeneral Macros }?d @>?d @:Wa }?d @>?d @:Wa }?d @>?d @:Wa }? @>"? @;Wa Macro Name d@I d@J d 靕l d@K do  W܁܁Bm }蝝d @M 蝝d  <W|aHeadings Table }H蝝d @O H蝝d  <W}a }H蝝d @Q H蝝d  <W~a }H@S H =!Paragraph ForPAmat }HH@U HH  =WaHeading Level }H@W H  =Wa Comments }H@Y H >W aTitle }HH@[ HH  >Wa }H@] H  >Wa }KH @_ KH  ?Wa Heading1 }HKH @a HKH  ?Wa }KH @c KH  ?Wa }WH @e WH  @Wa Heading2 }HWH @g HWH  @W a }WH @i WH  @W a }cH @k cH  AW a }HcH @m HcH  AW a }cH @o cH  AW a HH=HHu  V܁܁gsive access to the buffer. First, the consumer checks that there is a slot in the buffer with an item 큩deposited and, if not, waits until there is ( down ( full ) ). When there is, it waits until it can obtain 0zexclusive access to the buffer ( down ( mutex ) ). Once both these conditions are met, it can safely @extract the item. !W mlines 21-22As the consumer is done with the buffer, it signals that any other process needing to access the xbuffer may do so ( up ( mutex ) ). It then indicates it has extracted another item into the buffer @&( up ( empty ) ). !X eline 23Since the buffer is not accessed while the item is consumed, we don't need to put semaphores @around this part. A` HH=HH7 靕l}?H @!> #?H @;Wa Replace With }H @#>"$H @;WaHead }H @%>#%H @;Wa Comments }? @'>$&? @BWa }?H @)>%'?H @BW a }H @+>&(H @BW!a }H @->')H @BW"a }d @0>(.d @CW#aCharacter Macros HH;"HH❝+G܁e HH;$3HH**靕l}?d @2>?d @CW$a }?d @4>?d @CW%a }? @6>)/? @DW&a Macro Name }?H @8>.0?H @DW'a Replace With }H @:>/1H @DW(a Comments }? @<>0<? @EW)a HUV ;.HUV ❝3G܁e HUV ;05+HUV 22靕l H$ ;1H$ 5G܁e H$ ;33H$ 44靕l HH;4HHǝ007 `Producer/Consumer Problem 0,` Introduction 1܁`[This algorithm uses semaphores to solve the producer/consumer (or bounded buffer) problem. 3V` Algorithm 4 ܁h`U1 var buffer :  array  [0.. n -1]  of  item; 5t`L 2  full ,  empty ,  mutex : semaphore; 6`A 3  nextp ,  nextc :   item; 7` 4 begin 8`# 5  full  := 0; 9`. 6  empty  :=  n ; :`$ 7  mutex  := 1; ;` 8  parbegin <`: 9  repeat (* producer process *) =`: 10 (* produce an item in  nextp  *) >`2 11  down ( empty ); ?`2 12  down ( mutex ); @`9 13 (* deposit  nextp  in buffer *) A`0 14  up ( mutex ); B`/ 15  up ( full ); C`' 16  until  false; D`; 17  repeat (* consumer process *) E`1 18  down ( full ); F`2 19  down ( mutex ); G`: 20 (* extract an item in  nextc  *) H`0 21  up ( mutex ); I`0 22  up ( empty ); J`; 23 (* consume the item in  nextc  *) K`' 24  until  false; L`! 25  parend ; M` 26 end . P` Comments Q܁ lines 1-3Here,  buffer  is the shared buffer, and contains  n  spaces;  full  is a semaphore the value of which 0mis the number of filled slots in the buffer,  empty  is a semaphore the value of which is the number kof emoty slots in the buffer, and  mutex  is a semaphore used to enforce mutual exclusion (so only uone process can access the buffer at a time).  nextp  and  nextc  are the items produced by the pro@2ducer and consumed by the consumer, respectively. !R |line 5-7This just initializes all the semaphores. It is the only time anything other than a  down   or an  up @operation may be done to them. !S lline 10Since the buffer is not accessed while the item is produced, we don't need to put semaphores around @ this part. !T qlines 11-13Depositing an item into the buffer, however, does require that the producer process obtain exclusive haccess to the buffer. First, the producer checks that there is an empty slot in the buffer for the new |item and, if not, waits until there is ( down ( empty ) ). When there is, it waits until it can obtain zexclusive access to the buffer ( down ( mutex ) ). Once both these conditions are met, it can safely @deposit the item. !U tlines 14-15As the producer is done with the buffer, it signals that any other process needing to access the buffer @may do so ( up ( mutex ) ). It then indicates it has put another item into the buffer ( up ( full ) ). 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