Homework 3
Due Date: May 18, 1999
Points: 100
Short-Answer Questions
These can be answered in a sentence or two, and are intended to reinforce
important points.
- (4 points) Describe the differences between short term, medium term,
and long term scheduling.
- (3 points) State the difference between preemptive and non-preemptive
scheduling algorithms.
- (3 points) What is "device independence"? (Tanenbaum, problem 3-7)
Long-Answer Questions
These questions require some thought and longer answers than the short-answer
questions. They are intended to have you use the concepts discussed in class,
to be sure you understand them and can work with them.
- (30 points) Consider the following process arrival list:
job name | arrival time | service time |
A | 0 | 10 |
B | 2 | 1 |
C | 3 | 2 |
D | 7 | 7 |
E | 8 | 5 |
For each process, give the time(s) that the process acquires the CPU,
relinquishes the CPU, and the turnaround time, the waiting time, and the
response ratio for each of the following job scheduling algorithms:
- First Come, First Serve
- Shortest Job Next
- Shortest Remaining Time Next
- Highest Response Ratio Next
- Round Robin with a quantum of 1
- Multilevel Feedback Queue with 3 queues, the first two being round robin
with quanta of 2 and 4, respectively, and the lowest being first come first
- (20 points) An operating system designer has proposed a multilevel
feedback queueing scheme in which there are five levels. The quantum at the
first level is 0.5 seconds, and each lower level has a quantum twice the size
of the quantum at the previous level. A process cannot be pre-empted until its
quantum expires, and then it is moved to the next lower queue (unless it is in
the lowest queue, of course). If the process does I/O, upon completion it is
returned to the queue from which it left. The system runs both batch and
interactive jobs, and these, in turn, consist of both CPU-bound and I/O-bound
- Why is this scheme deficient?
- What minimal changes would you propose to make the scheme more acceptable
for its intended job mix?
- (20 points) This question asks you to compare different disk
scheduling policies.
- Under very light loads, all the disk scheduling policies we have discussed
degenerate into which policy? Why?
- Will requests scheduled by a FCFS disk scheduling policy ever have a lower
mean waiting time than those scheduled by a SCAN policy? Than those scheduled
by a SSTF policy? Justify your answers. (Hint: consider a system on
which a seek takes 0.5 + 0.4T msec, where T is the number of
cylinders moved. Then assume the arm is initially at cylinder 100, the disk
has 200 cylinders, and the arm is moving inward.)
- (20 points) To what extent does the theory of disk-head scheduling
apply to magnetic tapes?
Extra Credit
- (10 points) Tanenbaum, and many other authors, refer to the LOOK and
SCAN algorithms as "elevator algorithms." What is the major conceptual
difference between disk scheduling and "elevator scheduling"? (Hint:
are we trying to minimize elevator movement?)
Send email to
[email protected].
Department of Computer Science
University of California at Davis
Davis, CA 95616-8562
Page last modified on 5/5/99