Final Study Guide

This is simply a guide of topics that I consider important for the midterm. I don’t promise to ask you about them all, or about any of these in particular; but I may very well ask you about any of these, as well as anything we discussed in class, in discussion section, in the text, or that is in the reading.

  1. Anything from the midterm study guide
  2. Memory management
    1. Paging and page tables
    2. Segmentation and segment tables
    3. Optimizations: cache, hit ratio, effective memory access time
    4. Views of memory: program vs. operating system, address translation
    5. Protection
    6. Segmented paging (segment the page table)
    7. Paged segmentation (page the segments)
    8. Virtual memory: demand paging, page faults, pure demand paging
    9. Page replacement and victims and dirty bits: FIFO, OPT, LRU, stack algorithms
    10. Minimum number of pages per process
    11. Global vs. local allocation
    12. Working set: thrashing, principle of locality, working set principle and model
    13. Prepaging, I/O interlock, choosing page size, restructuring program
  3. Device I/O
    1. Device drivers and transparency
    2. Structure of a device driver
    3. Character code independence, device independence, uniform treatment of devices
    4. Device drivers: lower, upper parts
    5. Disk scheduling algorithms: FCFS, pick-up, SSTF, SCAN, LOOK, N-Step SCAN, C-SCAN, C-LOOK
    6. File, system calls for I/O
    7. Blocking vs. non-blocking I/O
  4. File Systems
    1. Virtual vs. physical; names; directory structures
    2. Access control: rights, ACLs, UNIX abbreviations
    3. Access via create, open, close, read, write, rewind, delete system calls or commands
    4. Access methods: sequential, direct mapped, structured
    5. Disk directory: free list implementations, allocation methods (contiguous, linked, indexed)
  5. Computer Security
    1. Confidentiality, integrity, availability
    2. Policy vs. mechanism
    3. Saltzer’s and Schroeder’s Design Principles
    4. Access control: subjects, objects, access control matrix, ACLs, C-Lists, protection rings
    5. Classical ciphers
    6. Public key ciphers
    7. Cryptographic hashes
    8. Networks, computers, and security

UC Davis sigil
Matt Bishop
Office: 2209 Watershed Sciences
Phone: +1 (530) 752-8060
Email: [email protected]
ECS 150, Operating Systems
Version of May 25, 2022 at 6:40PM

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