Process Information for UNIX V6

Process Table Entry

This is the process table entry structure. There can be NPROC processes, so the table is of static size. This entry is always in core, even if the process is not running or is swapped out.

struct	proc
	char	p_stat;		/* process status */
	char	p_flag;		/* process status attributes */
	char	p_pri;		/* priority, negative is high */
	char	p_sig;		/* signal number sent to this process */
	char	p_uid;		/* user id, used to direct tty signals */
	char	p_time;		/* resident time for scheduling */
	char	p_cpu;		/* cpu usage for scheduling */
	char	p_nice;		/* nice for scheduling */
	int	p_ttyp;		/* controlling tty */
	int	p_pid;		/* unique process id */
	int	p_ppid;		/* process id of parent */
	int	p_addr;		/* address of swappable image */
	int	p_size;		/* size of swappable image (*64 bytes) */
	int	p_wchan;	/* event process is awaiting */
	int	*p_textp;	/* pointer to text structure */
} proc[NPROC];

/* stat codes */ #define SSLEEP 1 /* sleeping on high priority */ #define SWAIT 2 /* sleeping on low priority */ #define SRUN 3 /* running */ #define SIDL 4 /* intermediate state in process creation */ #define SZOMB 5 /* intermediate state in process termination */ #define SSTOP 6 /* process being traced */

/* flag codes */ #define SLOAD 01 /* in core */ #define SSYS 02 /* scheduling process */ #define SLOCK 04 /* process cannot be swapped */ #define SSWAP 010 /* process is being swapped out */ #define STRC 020 /* process is being traced */ #define SWTED 040 /* another tracing flag */

Other Part of the Process Information

This is the remainder of the information about the process. It is kept in another area associated with the process. It need not stay in core when the process is swapped out to disk.

struct user
	int	u_rsav[2];		/* save r5,r6 when exchanging stacks */
	int	u_fsav[25];		/* save fp registers */
					/* rsav and fsav must be first in structure */
	char	u_segflg;		/* flag for IO; user or kernel space */
	char	u_error;		/* return error code */
	char	u_uid;			/* effective user id */
	char	u_gid;			/* effective group id */
	char	u_ruid;			/* real user id */
	char	u_rgid;			/* real group id */
	int	u_procp;		/* pointer to proc structure */
	char	*u_base;		/* base address for IO */
	char	*u_count;		/* bytes remaining for IO */
	char	*u_offset[2];		/* offset in file for IO */
	int	*u_cdir;		/* pointer to inode of current directory */
	char	u_dbuf[DIRSIZ];		/* current pathname component */
	char	*u_dirp;		/* current pointer to inode */
	struct	{			/* current directory entry */
		int	u_ino;		/* inode number */
		char u_name[DIRSIZ];	/* name of directory */
	} u_dent;
	int	*u_pdir;		/* inode of parent directory of dirp */
	int	u_uisa[16];		/* prototype of segmentation addresses */
	int	u_uisd[16];		/* prototype of segmentation descriptors */
	int	u_ofile[NOFILE];	/* pointers to file structures of open files */
	int	u_arg[5];		/* arguments to current system call */
	int	u_tsize;		/* text size (*64) */
	int	u_dsize;		/* data size (*64) */
	int	u_ssize;		/* stack size (*64) */
	int	u_sep;			/* flag for I and D separation */
	int	u_qsav[2];		/* label variable for quits and interrupts */
	int	u_ssav[2];		/* label variable for swapping */
	int	u_signal[NSIG];		/* disposition of signals */
	int	u_utime;		/* this process user time */
	int	u_stime;		/* this process system time */
	int	u_cutime[2];		/* sum of childs' utimes */
	int	u_cstime[2];		/* sum of childs' stimes */
	int	*u_ar0;			/* address of users saved R0 */
	int	u_prof[4];		/* profile arguments */
	char	u_intflg;		/* catch intr from sys */
					/* kernel stack per user
					 * extends from u + USIZE*64
					 * backward not to reach here
} u;

UC Davis sigil
Matt Bishop
Office: 2209 Watershed Sciences
Phone: +1 (530) 752-8060
Email: [email protected]
ECS 150, Operating Systems
Version of April 1, 2022 at 12:53AM

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