Notes for February 3, 1997
- Hello
- Homework grades will be mailed out tomorrow;
take more care with your programs, as they often did not work as well as
you thought.
- Puzzle of the day
- Key point: notice the size of the shell
and of in.telnetd. If these are the same, the attacker left a back door
to return through.
- ACLs
- Review description
- Show 2 UNIX implementations (AIX and UNICOS)
- Discuss revocation issue
- Operating systems as examples
- Fence registers
- Base & bounds registers
- Tagged architecture: tags indicate rights
over each word. Ex: B6500 family, which also used them to type the words
(data, pointers, control words like stack pointers) Also, can tag blocks
of 128 words with one tag
- Go through how this works for paging, segmentation
- Capabilities
- File descriptors in UNIX
- Like an unforgeable ticket; can use crypto,
or can use tags, or can use protected memory space (the latter two more
usual on a single system, the first on a networked system)
- Show sample C-list
- Copy right
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Department of Computer Science
University of California at Davis
Davis, CA 95616-8562
Page last modified on 1/23/97