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Write a program to print each of these, as well as the real and effective UIDs and GIDs.  HH<HH靕ld< $$<$$w"G܁Bm Z $$<$$ 靕ld:* HUV 5HUV ❝G܁e HUV 5HUV 靕l H$ 5H$ G܁e H$ 5H$ 靕l HH5HH~-- ` Homework 4 ܁`ETotal Points:  250 Due Date:  Monday, November 27, 1998  y( 100 points ) Please write a program to determine if a named user can access a named file or directory. The proEHgram is to be called  access , and the command line looks like: @?   access  options   user   file  ` Here,  user  is either a users login name or UID,  file  is a file (or directory, or other entity), and  options  is any com0l=bination of  r  (for read),  w  (for write), and  x  (for execute), with a leading   . If none of  r ,  w , or  x  is given, act as @9though all three had been given. Your output should say: ၣ`*  user  can read  file `or `9    user  can read and write  file `and so forth. If the option  l  is given, then every component of the path is to be checked as well as the file itself.   |If the  file  cannot be accessed, any command line argument is malformed, or an error occurs in your code, print an 0qappropriate error message and exit with an exit code of 1. Otherwise, exit with an error code of 0. Please write @$your code robustly, and comment it!  ́`Example . The output of `2 access rwx bishop /home/cs153/public_html ` should be `; bishop can read and execute /home/cs153/public_html `The output of `; access l bishop /home/cs153/public_html/index.html ` should be  % bishop can read and execute / 0_) bishop can read and execute /home / bishop can read and execute /home/cs153 ; bishop can read and execute /home/cs153/public_html @: bishop can read /home/cs153/public_html/index.html   tSubmitting your programs . If you write your programs in a compilable language (like C), you  must  sub2 mit a makefile to compile your source code. A single  make  should generate the  access  executable.  Do not  sub{mit  access  executables unless it is written in a scripted language (such as shell script or Perl). Your program @`should run correctly on any of the CSIF machines (that is, on the DECs, the HPs, and the SGIs). `^( 20 points ) Can the Trojan Horse attack work on a system protected by capabilities?  y( 10 points ) Some early computers protected their operating systems against destruction by placing it in memory 0plocations from which all programs (including the operating system itself) could read, but into which no program @?could write. What problem does this protection scheme create?  {( 20 points ) Prove or disprove: the power set of any set and the relation subset form a lattice. To prove this, 0oshow how to construct a greatest lower bound and a least upper bound (under subset) for any pair of elements uof the power set, and prove that subset is transitive, associative, and antisymmetric. To disprove this, exhibit a @4specific counterexample to any of these properties. . }( 100 points ) Please read the book  The Shockwave Rider  by John Brunner, and contrast his use of the terms 0:oworm, virus, and other references to malicious logic with the way we use those terms now. As with previous @Zessays, please write well. Your essay should be at least two pages (120 lines) long.   _` Extra credit !܁o ( 20 points)  Why do most UNIX systems limit the use of the  chroot (2) system call to the super-user? (Hint: think P{@about protection problems.) 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