Notes for October 30, 1998
- Greetings and Felicitations!
- Puzzle of the Day
- Classical Ciphers
- monoalphabetic (simple substitution):
f(a) = a + k mod n
- example: Cæsar with k = 3,
- polyalphabetic: Vigenère,
fi(a) =
a + ki mod n
- cryptanalysis: do index of coincidence to see if it's
monoalphabetic or polyalphabetic, then Kasiski method.
- problem: eliminate periodicity of key
- Long key generation
- Running-key cipher: M=THETREASUREISBURIED;
wedge is that (plaintext,key) letter pairs are
not random (T/T, H/H,
E/E, T/S, R/E,
A/O, S/N, etc.)
- Enigma/rotor systems; wheels, 3 rotors and a reflecting one. Go
through it; UNIX uses this for crypt(1) command.
- Perfect secrecy: when the probability of computing the plaintext message is the same whether or not you have the ciphertext
- Only cipher with perfect secrecy: one-time pads;
C=AZPR; is that DOIT or DONT?
- Go through the algorithm
- Public-Key Cryptography
- Basic idea: 2 keys, one private, one public
- Cryptosystem must satisfy:
- given public key, CI to get private key;
- cipher withstands chosen plaintext attack;
- encryption, decryption computationally feasible
[note: commutativity NOT required]
- Benefits: can give confidentiality or authentication or both
- Use of PKC
- Normally used as key interchange system to exchange secret keys (cheap)
- Then use secret key system (too expensive to use PKC for this)
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Department of Computer Science
University of California at Davis
Davis, CA 95616-8562
Page last modified on 11/5/98