Midterm Study Guide

This is simply a guide of topics that I consider important for the midterm. I don’t promise to ask you about them all, or about any of these in particular; but I may very well ask you about any of these, as well as anything we discussed in class, in the discussion section, or that is in the readings.

  1. Fundamentals
    1. What is security?
    2. Basics of risk analysis
    3. Relationship of security policy to security
    4. Policy vs. mechanism
    5. Assurance and security

  2. Saltzer’s and Schroeder’s principles of secure design

  3. Robust programming

  4. Access control matrix
    1. Matrix
    2. Primitive operations
    3. Commands
    4. Harrison-Ruzzo-Ullman result (undecidability of safety)

  5. Policies
    1. Mandatory access control (MAC)
    2. Discretionary access control (DAC)
    3. Originator-controlled access control (ORCON)
    4. Role-based access control (RBAC)
    5. Policy languages

  6. Confidentiality Models
    1. Bell-LaPadula Model
    2. Lattices and the BLP Model
    3. Tranquility

  7. Integrity Models
    1. Biba Model
    2. Clark-Wilson model

  8. Cryptography
    1. Types of attacks: ciphertext only, known plaintext, chosen plaintext
    2. Classical ciphers, Cæsar cipher, Vigenère cipher, one-time pad, AES

  9. Industrial Control System (ICS) Security
    1. How does security differ from Information Technology systems?
    2. Common attack vectors
    3. What attacks on ICS systems exploit or target
    4. Modbus attacks

UC Davis sigil
Matt Bishop
Office: 2209 Watershed Sciences
Phone: +1 (530) 752-8060
Email: [email protected]
ECS 153, Computer Security
Version of April 26, 2018 at 8:39PM

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