Instructor | Matt Bishop, 3059 Engineering Unit II; phone: 752-8060; Email: [email protected]; web page: Office hours: W 1:00-2:00PM, Th 2:00PM-3:00PM, by appointment or by chance |
Teaching Assistant | Archana Bharathidasan, 3106 Engineering Unit II Email: [email protected] Office hours: Tu 2:00-3:00PM, W 2:00PM-3:00PM or by appointment |
Lectures | TuTh 12:10PM-2:00PM in 113 Hoagland |
Course Goals | Some goals we hope you achieve:
Prerequisites | The prerequisite for this course is ECS 150, Operating Systems, or an equivalent course. |
Text | M. Bishop, Computer Security: Art and Science, Addison-Wesley, Boston, MA. ©2003. ISBN 0-201-44099-7 |
Class Web Site | The class web site is on myucdavis. To access it, go to and log in using your campus-wide login and password. Then go to ECS 235 in your schedule. Handouts and other documents will be posted there. We will also post announcements there, too. |
Class Newsgroup | Information about this class, homework assignments, and so forth, will be posted to the newsgroup ucd.class.ecs235. Read this newsgroup daily! We'll use it to put out important information. Please do not post to this newsgroup. If you want to post things about the class, please use the appropriate discussion newsgroup (ucd.class.ecs235.d). Discussing something in that newsgroup is perfectly fair. |
Homework | Homework is due at 11PM on the date stated on the homework, unless otherwise stated. See the handout All About Homework for more information. |
Extra Credit | Extra credit in this course will be tallied separately from regular scores. If you end up on a borderline between two grades at the end of the course, extra credit will count in your favor. However, failure to do extra credit will never be counted against you, because grades are assigned on the basis of regular scores. You should do extra credit if you find it interesting and think that it might teach you something. Remember, though, it is not wise to skimp on the regular assignment in order to do extra credit! |
Grading | 50% Homework, 50% Term Project |
Academic Integrity | Please see the Spring 2003 Class Schedule and Room Directory
for a general discussion of this. In particular, for this course, all work
submitted for credit must be your own. You may discuss your assignments with
classmates, with instructors, or with teaching assistants or readers in the
course to get ideas or a critique of your ideas, but the ideas and words you
submit must be your own. Unless explicitly stated otherwise in the
assignment, collaboration is considered cheating and will be dealt with
accordingly. A good analogy between appropriate discussion and inappropriate collaboration is the following: you and a fellow student work for competing software companies developing different products to meet a given specification. You and your competitor might choose to discuss product specifications and general techniques employed in your products, but you certainly would not discuss or exchange proprietary information revealing details of your products. Ask the instructor or a teaching assistant for clarification beforehand if the above rules are not clear. |