January 22, 2024 Outline

Reading: text, §4.1–4.6, 5.1–5.2.1, Appendix A
Due: Extra Credit #B, due January 30; Homework #2, due February 2; Project selection, due January 26

Module 13 (Reading: text, §4.1–4.4)

  1. Policy and models
  2. Policy vs. mechanism

Module 14 (Reading: text, §4.5–4.6)

  1. Policy languages

Module 16 (Reading: text, §Appendix A)

  1. Lattices

Module 17 (Reading: text, §5.1–5.2.1)

  1. Bell-LaPadula Model: intuitive, security classifications only
    1. Level, categories, define clearance and classification
    2. Simple security condition (no reads up), *-property (no writes down), discretionary security property
    3. Basic Security Theorem: if it is secure and transformations follow these rules, it will remain secure

UC Davis sigil
Matt Bishop
Office: 2209 Watershed Sciences
Phone: +1 (530) 752-8060
Email: [email protected]
ECS 235B, Foundations of Computer and Information Security
Version of January 22, 2024 at 1:27PM

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