Outline for March 31, 1997
- Greetings and Felicitations
- Review general information
- Pass out scribe sheet, explain purpose, etc.
- Basic components
- Confidentiality
- Integrity
- Availability
- Threats
- snooping
- modification
- masquerading; contrast with delegation
- repudiation of origin
- denial of receipt
- delay
- denial of service
Role of policy
- example of student copying files from another
- emphasize: policy defines security
- distinguish between policy and mechanism
- Goals of security
- prevention
- detection
- recovery
- hammer this home: all security rests on trust
- first problem: security mechanisms correctly implement security
policy; walk through example of a program that logs you in; point out
what is trusted
- second problem: policy does what you want; define secure, precise
- Operational issues; change over time
- cost-benefit analysis
- risk analysis (comes into play in cost-benefit too)
- laws and customs
- Human Factors
- organizational problems
- people problems (include social engineering)
You can get this document in
version 5.1.
Notes by Michael Clifford:
Send email to
[email protected].
Department of Computer Science
University of California at Davis
Davis, CA 95616-8562
Page last modified on 4/4/97