Outline for April 11, 1997
- Greetings and Felicitations
- ecs253 now up and running; the IP address is Name,
etc. is not in the DNS!
- Discuss rules ...
- Flaw Hypothesis Methodology
Information gathering -- emphasize use of sources such as manuals,
protocol specs, design documentation, social engineering, source code,
knowledge of other systems, etc.
- Flaw hypothesis -- old rule of "if forbidden, try it; if required, don't do
it"; knowledge of other systems' flaws, analysis of interfaces particularly
fruitful, go for assumptions and trusts
- Flaw testing -- see if hypothesized flaw holds; preferable not to
try it out, but look at system closely enough to see if it will work, design
attack and be able to show why it works; but sometimes actual test necessary --
do not use live production system and be sure it's backed up!
- Flaw generalization -- given flaw, look at causes and try to generalize.
Example: UNIX environment variables.
- (sometimes) Flaw elimination -- fix it; may require redesign so the
penetrators may not do it
- Example penetrations
- Burroughs
Notes by Alan Jondle:
You can get this document in
version 5.1.
Send email to
[email protected].
Department of Computer Science
University of California at Davis
Davis, CA 95616-8562
Page last modified on 4/4/97