Outline for April 14, 1997
- Greetings and Felicitations
- Simple substitution ciphers
- Do Caesar cipher
- Go through how to break it
- Present Vigenère tableau
- Discuss breaking it (Kasiski method). Note index of coincidence is
probability 2 letters chosen at random from ciphertext are alike
- Generalize to very long keys and show running key and autokey
- Go through rotor systems (Enigma)
- Go through one-time pads
- Polygram substitution cipher: Playfair
- Key is 5 by 5 grid
- If m1, m2 in same row, c1, c2 are to immediate right of m1, m2
- If m1, m2 in same column, c1, c2 are below m1, m2
- If m1 = m2, insert null in text
- if m1, m2 in different rows and columns, c1, c2 form rectangle with c1 in
m1's row and c2 in m2's row
- if odd number of characters in message, append null.
Notes by Scott Miller:
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Department of Computer Science
University of California at Davis
Davis, CA 95616-8562
Page last modified on 4/4/97