Outline for May 12, 1997
- Greetings and Felicitations
- Please remember to give me write-ups of your vulnerabilities, both what
worked and what didn't, in the format discussed earlier
- Take-Grant
- Show bridges (as a combination of terminal and initial spans)
- Show islands (maximal subject-only tg-connected subgraphs)
- can*share(r, x, y, G0) iff there is an edge from
x to y labelled r in G0, or all of the following hold: (1)
there is a vertex y'' with an edge from y' to y labelled
r; (2) there is a subject y' which terminally spans to
y'', or y' = y''; (3) there is a subject x' which
initially spans to x, or x' = x; and (4) there is a
sequence of islands I1, ..., In connected by bridges for which
x' is in I1 and y' is in In .
- Describe can*steal; don't state theorem
- Lattice models
- poset, <= the relation
- highest and lowest
- Set of classes SC is a partially ordered set under relation <= with GLB
(greatest lower bound), LUB (least upper bound) operators
- Note: is reflexive, transitive, antisymmetric
- Examples: (A, C) <= (A', C') iff A <= A' and C is a subset of C';
LUB((A, C), (A', C')) = (max(A, A'), union(C, C')) GLB((A, C), (A', C')) =
(min(A, A'), intersection(C, C'))
- Bell-LaPadula (informal)
- Go through security levels, categories, compartments
- Describe simple security property (no reads up) and *-property (no writes
- State Basic Security Theorem: if it's secure and transformations follow
these rules, it's still secure
Notes by Jeff Rowe:
You can get this document in
version 5.1.
Send email to
[email protected].
Department of Computer Science
University of California at Davis
Davis, CA 95616-8562
Page last modified on 4/4/97