Outline for June 6, 1997
- Greetings and Felicitations
- Example Analysis: NTP v 2
- Packet receipt, sending: on receipt, if connections compatible, checks not a
duplicate by looking at transmit times, checks the last packet received by peer
was the last one sent; on failure, set sanity check but continue. Update
association to reflect data in newly-0arrived packet; check peer clock, stratum
level, validate 2-way communication. If sanity check set, exit. Else estimate
delay, clock offset, dispersion, and update local clock.
- Delay compensation: statistical in nature, calculates delay and clock offset
relative to peer
- Access Control: trusted (can synchronize to), friendly (can synchronize),
all others (ignore) -- relies on unauthenticated source information in packet
- Authentication: optional, uses pairwise secret keys. Authenticator excluded
from integrity checking; no key distribution mechanism. Keys assigned on
per-host (not per-path) basis.
- Analysis of NTP: Masquerade
- Send packets with bogus source; peer determined by source and destination.
- Effect: if fake host kknown to victim and can synchrinize clock, may be
ignored due to sample processing and selection operations.
- Can cause offsets, delays to alter gradually; victim's clocks will drift
- If unknown to victim and can become clock source, can flood with 8 messages
and assuming victim gets no others, can now control what is discarded; or,
claim low stratum number. Either way, attacker tends to become source
- See request, send response before legitimate response; real one discatded
- Modification
- Alter a message to cause recipient to resynchronize, or to break an
- Look at allgorithm; variables reset before packet alteration acted upon
- Can alter packet precision, time of sending, and time of last message
reception; all others cause discard before changing time (but may change
association parameters)
- precision: can increase round-trip delay or decrease it (to make it more
likely impersonated host will be new time source)
- Other two: used to adjust clock offset and delay, so can affect choice of
source and frequency of contact
- DoS: version, association mode deny services
- stratum alters stratum of peer, making it more likely to be a clock source
- poll: how often peer is polled (certain limits)
- distance: affects delay that victim percieves from primay, and hence affects
clock source selection
- Replay
- To cause recipient to resynchronize, or to disable an association
- Alternate 2 recorded packets; either they get tossed (new source) or victim
- Can set clock backwards
- Denial of Service
- Clock runs on its own power; can cause large errors
- Fixes
- External
- Internal: use authentication and include the key index (authenticator).
Change peer variables only after authenticating packets. Disallow clocks being
set backwards.
You can get this document in
version 5.1.
Send email to
[email protected].
Department of Computer Science
University of California at Davis
Davis, CA 95616-8562
Page last modified on 6/12/97