­¦ý°±·;œ œ› œ œœœR ¿FÄyZºCompObj\WordDocument ObjectPoolÄyZºÄyZºœABCDEFGœœ ¿FMicrosoft Word 6.0 DocumentœNB6WWord.Document.6;œ œfffff fff83fffffffff ffe33fffffffff ffcf3fffffffff ffc73fffffffff fff021ffffffff fffe01ffffffff ffff3fffffffff ffff3f807fffff ff³çÄì0¹m › ‹ŸPœ ›œ š› š ³ç¿³é³ç¿³é ¹mòå*œ³ç¿ÒøÉÛø£Áø?¦ûþ<øz£œ•ý¿£ø?>>|z£*£ecs253 PRIVATE  April 16, 1997 Computer Security notes DES - Data Encryption Standard (unbroken) - main function: secrecy. Not used for classified data - takes in 64 bits, outputs 64 bits, key is 56 bits (ignore parity bit) - encipher and decipher blocks of data - deciphering is the reverse processes of the enciphering processes IDEA cipher - fixes weaknesses in DES Lucifer Cipher - key changed from 128 to 64 bits. Good cipher Product cipher - uses transposition and substitution at the bit level. Is also a round cipher (iterates 16 times, 16 different keys). DES - 3 parts 1) Initial Permutation (IP) (see page 17 of the Data Encryption Standard Handout) - Used to generate 16 sets of keys (³round keys²) used to encipher 2) Complex key-dependent computation (see page 8 of the Data Encryption Standard Handout ) - defined in terms of function f (the cipher function) and KS (the key schedule) - strength lies in how hard it is to invert f. (see page 11 of the Data Encryption Standard Handout) 3) Inverse Initial Permutation (IP-1) Things people noticed: 1) Complementation Problem (Diffie & Hellman): DESk(M) = C DESe(M¹) = C¹ 2) Certain keys contain their own inverses DES0(M) = C DES0(C) = M 3) Double Encipherment does not help. if (DESk2 (DESk1(M) ) = C then DESk3(M) = C How good is key length? 4) Differential Cryptanalysis focus on plaintext and ciphertext pairs C1 xor C2 = b M1 xor M2 = b¹ DES modes: 1) ECD - straight DES. On it¹s way to being broken. 2) CBC - Cipher Block Chain 3) Triple DES - uses only 3 keys 4) EDE mode - uses 2 keys to add more complexity (DESk1 (DES-1k2 (DESk1 (M))) Public Key Cryptography (Diffie and Hellman): - Created key exchange protocol - How do you distribute keys? - use 2 keys: 1) public - available to all ( E ) 2) private - you are the only one who knows it (D) RSA - an exponentiation cipher C, M elem [0, n - 1] Me mod n = C Cd mod n = M in order for this to work: 1) (Me mod n)d mod n = M or 2) Med mod n = M must hold ed mod g(n) = 1 Med mod n = M1+kg(n) mod n ( ed mod g(n) = 1 <=> ed = 1 + k g(n) ) = M (Mg(n))k mod n = M (Mg(n) mod n) k mod n = M ( 1 ) mod n pick two large primes, p & q p * q = n pick e so that this holds: ed mod g(n) = 1 where g(n) = (p - 1)(q - 1) d is a private key and the pair of e & n are public take message, M Me mod n = C ed mod n = M (to decipher) example: p = 5, q = 7, => n = 35, g(n) = 24 e = 11 11d mod 24 = 1, so d = 1 M = hello ( message must not exceed 25 ) so, h e l l o maps to 07 04 11 11 14 use 2811 mod 37 = 7 to decipher Note: g(n) -> since e and n are unknown, it is easy to break the cipher. However, n cannot be factored and you can¹t break the cipher. È°ñóúÝùݶÝßÝÖŒÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ­....()()))()()K:phoenix­¦ý°±·;œ SummaryInformation(@Ÿœ ÚüÖýO˜h´ë+'„0îò·Ò  + 7CK S_z ÇåACoit Tower:applications:Microsoft Office:Microsoft Word 6:Normalecs253  Matt Bishop Matt Bishop'@^žÙZº@Äv²ÚÃÁ@^žÙZº@Microsoft Word 6.01­¦ý°±·;œ ЀhC¿ e ppppppp†††††† †:Lýýýýýýýý&ÜXÞ1:pý ýýýý:ýppýýýýýýpýpýÑò"ppppýý2ýecs253 PRIVATE  April 16, 1997 Computer Security notes DES - Data Encryption Standard (unbroken) - main function: secrecy. Not used for classified data - takes in 64 bits, outputs 64 bits, key is 56 bits (ignore parity bit) - encipher and decipher blocks of data - deciphering is the reverse processes of the enciphering processes IDEA cipher - fixes weaknesses in DES Lucifer Cipher - key changed from 128 to 64 bits. Good cipher Product cipher - uses transposition and substitution at the bit level. Is also a round cipher (iterates 16 times, 16 different keys). DES - 3 parts 1) Initial Permutation (IP) (see page 17 of the Data Encryption Standard Handout) - Used to generate 16 sets of keys (³round keys²) used to encipher 2) Complex key-dependent computation (see page 8 of the Data Encryption Standard Handout ) - defined in terms of function f (the cipher function) and KS (the key schedule) - strength lies in how hard it is to invert f. (see page 11 of the Data Encryption Standard Handout) 3) Inverse Initial Permutation (IP-1) Things people noticed: 1) Complementation Problem (Diffie & Hellman): DESk(M) = C DESe(M¹) = C¹ 2) Certain keys contain their own inverses DES0(M) = C DES0(C) = M 3) Double Encipherment does not help. if (DESk2 (DESk1(M) ) = C then DESk3(M) = C How good is key length? 4) Differential Cryptanalysis focus on plaintext and ciphertext pairs C1 xor C2 = b M1 xor M2 = b¹ DES modes: 1) ECD - straight DES. On it¹s way to being broken. 2) CBC - Cipher Block Chain 3) Triple DES - uses only 3 keys 4) EDE mode - uses 2 keys to add more complexity (DESk1 (DES-1k2 (DESk1 (M))) Public Key Cryptography (Diffie and Hellman): - Created key exchange protocol - How do you distribute keys? - use 2 keys: 1) public - available to all ( E ) 2) private - you are the only one who knows it (D) RSA - an exponentiation cipher C, M elem [0, n - 1] Me mod n = C Cd mod n = M in order for this to work: 1) (Me mod n)d mod n = M or 2) Med mod n = M must hold ed mod g(n) = 1 Med mod n = M1+kg(n) mod n ( ed mod g(n) = 1 <=> ed = 1 + k g(n) ) = M (Mg(n))k mod n = M (Mg(n) mod n) k mod n = M ( 1 ) mod n pick two large primes, p & q p * q = n pick e so that this holds: ed mod g(n) = 1 where g(n) = (p - 1)(q - 1) d is a private key and the pair of e & n are public take message, M Me mod n = C ed mod n = M (to decipher) example: p = 5, q = 7, => n = 35, g(n) = 24 e = 11 11d mod 24 = 1, so d = 1 M = hello ( message must not exceed 25 ) so, h e l l o maps to 07 04 11 11 14 use 2811 mod 37 = 7 to decipher Note: g(n) -> since e and n are unknown, it is easy to break the cipher. However, n cannot be factored and you can¹t break the cipher. È°ñóúÝùݶÝßÝÖŒÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ­....()()))()()K:phoenixCD‡@e@9@Baumert, Joel James236671#baumert@csif.cs.ucdavis.edu RE LCSI UCD~ Ä_@Blo¢BÀœ$&uvÅÇ㽺‡»Š­š   ")ç´[ ` c g i l p s x Ä ô ö ß ® ¾ ‹ Œ ¹ Ð ð Á Ì Ô Ò š    $ + = A U Y r v w x ï ô ° ¢ » ý ’ ” Ê Á Ò — ˜     % ™¯Ò™ÔÔÔÌÎÎÈÎÎÈÎÎÈÎÈÈÎÌÎÎÈÌÌÈÌÌÈÌÈÌÌÔÔÌÌÌÌÈÈÈÈÈÔÈ]hhVÅ uD¸CÅGCÅ uDCÅ\% & , > ? @ a c e g Å É Ñ Ü á î ï ü ½ ³ ÷ Á È › , E N _ e h j u ä é ó ô ù ü ÷ ÿ Gœ¸¸¸¸¸™™¸œ™¸¸¸™¸—¸¸¸¸žuVÅ]h]VÅ*#;<fgÝÈVW}ºCDR§ÈÍEó«()@Aqå罋³¯*+DEcåçú¨››ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$•›ê$•›ê$›ê$•›ê$•›ê$›ê$›ê$•›ê$•›ê$•›ê$•›ê$•›ê$•›ê$›ê$,-¨‚½Ì * [ y z ® » Ê  _ ` a Ä ñ ó € „ ¥ ¦ Î ¸    3 \  © Š   Á Ú Û   ' > ? s t Ñ í ›ê$•›ê$•›ê$•›ê$•›ê$•›ê$•›ê$›ê$•›ê$•›ê$•›ê$•›ê$•›ê$•›ê$•›ê$•›ê$•›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$•›ê$•›ê$›ê$›ê$•›ê$•›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$•›ê$›ê$›ê$•›ê$›ê$›ê$•›ê$›ê$•›ê$›ê$•›ê$›ê$,-í Æ Ø ½ Ð ” œ ( ) G a b Ç É  ›ê$›ê$•›ê$•›ê$›ê$›ê$›ê$•›ê$•›ê$•›ê$›ê$›ê$•›ê$›ê$•›ê$›ê$•›ê$•šê$,K @Ò Normal ]a c"A@Ú°"Default Paragraph Font    úÐ  % G ¨í  2 Matt Bishop#Coit Tower:Desktop Folder:0416n.wrd@Ä    >üLMTimes New Roman Symbol MArial êMTimesêMPalatino"1à­h3F3FÉ$1ecs253 Matt Bishop Matt Bishop­¦ý°±·;œ œ