Homework #2
UC Davis Students: Due May 2, 1997 at 11:59PM
NTU Students: Due May 9, 1997 at 11:59PM
(20 points) Consider an affine substitution cipher
using the transformation
f(a) = (ak1 + k0) mod 26.
We suspect
that the plaintext letter A (0) corresponds to the ciphertext letter H (7), and
the plaintext letter I (8) corresponds to the ciphertext letter V (21). Please
break the cipher by solving for k0
and k1.
(20 points) Denote the bit-by-bit complement of a block x as
x. The complementation property says that if c =
then c = DESk(m). Please prove
that this property holds, and then explain how this property can be exploited
in a chosen-plaintext attack to reduce the search effort by approximately 50%.
Hint: Obtain the ciphertext for a plaintext m and its
complement m.
(40 points) A weak key is a self-inverse key; that is, if
c = DESk(m)
and m = DESk(c),
k is a weak key. The DES has four weak keys (assuming the parity bits
are ignored). Please derive them.
Hint: The encipherment and
decipherment algorithms are the same in these cases. Consider what this means
with respect to the key schedules for the weak keys.
(30 points) An RSA system uses n = 29893, and one user's
public key is e = 12335.
Please encipher the message M = 25776.
Please determine the private key d corresponding to the user's
public key, and prove it is correct by deciphering the ciphertext computed in
part a.
(20 points)Consider an RSA system in which p = 97,
q = 109, and e = 865.
Please determine the ciphertext corresponding to the
messages M = 124, M = 506, and M = 321.
(20 points)An iteration attack on the RSA cipher is one in
which repeated encipherings of the ciphertext produce the plaintext. Consider
the ciphertext C = 3, n = 25, and e = 17. Please show that
this message can be broken with the iteration attack.
(30 points) Consider the Morris-Thompson password encipherment
scheme. Assume the attacker has full access to a list of users and their
corresponding password hashes.
- Which would be more beneficial to preventing the guessing of passwords,
increasing the length of the password to 16 characters or increasing the size
of the salt to 24 bits, assuming that the attacker is trying to guess a
particular user's password? Please justify your answer.
How would your answer change if the attacker were simply trying to guess
any user's password on the target system? Please justify this answer
(20 points) Consider the information gathering stage of the Flaw
Hypothesis Methodology. If you were writing a "security manual" for the
commands and library functions for your computer system, what details would you
place on each manual page that might help a penetration tester hypothesize
Extra Credit
If messages are enciphered using the RSA system, determined for the
modulus n = pq (where p and q are primes), and the
public key is e, then there are
(1 + gcd(e-1,p-1))(1 + gcd(e-1,q-1))
messages that are unconcealable
(i.e., the ciphertext is the plaintext message itself). Please
prove this theorem.
Consider the set of messages that are idempotent in the set
Zn (that
is, m2 = m mod n).
Please prove that the ciphertexts
corresponding to these messages in an RSA system with modulus n are the
messages themselves, regardless of the choice of public key.
You can get this document in
version 5.1.
Send email to
[email protected].
Department of Computer Science
University of California at Davis
Davis, CA 95616-8562
Page last modified on 5/3/97