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'`1A bit about the penetration stuff for homework 3 )D`Verifiably Secure Systems LP`#Review notion of reference monitor R` Review notion of trusted path S`NIsolate all control functions into a small nucleus called a security kernel T`Review Levels of Abstraction 4`UCLA Secure UNIX 5`2Each user process in separate domain, with 2 part 6`&Application program runs in user mode 7`EUNIX interface and Kernel Interface SubSystem run in supervisor mode 8`*Protection domain represented by a C-List 9`EPolicy manager establishes policies for kernel objects, shared files :`8Dialoguer establishes trusted path between user, kernel ;ت` Verification <䪛`Top level specification =`Abstract level specification >`Low level specification !? jCode satisfying specifications: formulate specs in terms of abstract machines with states and transitions qsuch that protected objects may be modified or read  only  by explicit request; and all accesses must be @ authorized @`MVerify code implementations satisfies low level specs, all levels consistent A:`KSOS BF`5Kernel is an operating system, not a security kernel C`?Enforces access control policy, including multi-level security D`4Handles files, type extensions la DOS and TOPS-20 E`KUNIX emulator, trusted non-lernel system software run in supervisor mode Fx`PSOS G`1Capabilities at lowest level used for addressing `V15 layers; all below 8 invisible at user interface, except level 4 (basic operations) aH PSOS Hierarchy 16.Command interpreter '15.User environments and name space 14.User input/output 13.Procedure records .12.User processes and visible input/output )11.Creation, deletion of user objects 10.Directories 9.Abstract data types #8.Virtual memory (segmentation)  7.Paging .6.System processes and system input/output 5.Primitive input/output -4.Basic arithmetic and logical operations  3.Clocks 2.Interrupts 1.Real memory @0.Capabilities HHˆ5HHˆ2l}Hd ?!Hd W e }Hd ?#Hd W e }H&?%"H&% FrameMaker PE Source Item }H ?'!$H We HTML Item }H ?)H We }H&?+"%H& WeInclude Auto# } H&?-$' H& We Comments }H?/H We }HH?1%(HH WeElement }H?3'+H%New Web PEPage? }H?5H We } H?7 H We }H ?9(,H We P:Date Line }HH ?;+-HH WeP }H ?=,.H WeN }H ??-/H WeN } H ?A.0 H We }EH ?C/1EH We P:Reading }HEH ?E02HEH WeP }EH ?G13EH WeN }EH ?I24EH W eN } EH ?K35 EH W!e }QH ?M46QH W"eP:Title }HQH ?O57HQH W#eH* }QH ?Q68QH W$eN }QH ?S79QH W%eN } QH ?U8: QH W&e }]H ?W9;]H W*eP:Body }H]H ?Y:<H]H W+eP }]H ?[;=]H W,eN }]H ?]<>]H W-eN } ]H ?_=? ]H W.e }iH(?a>@iH( W/e P:Numbered1 }HiH(?c?AHiH((2eLI 0e Parent = OL Q1e Depth = 0 }iH(?g@BiH( W3eN }iH(?iACiH( W4eY } iH(?kBD iH( W5e }H ?mCEH  W6e P:Heading1 }HH ?oDFHH  W7eH* }H ?qEGH  W8eN }H ?sFHH  W9eN } H ?uGI H  W:e }H(?wHJH(  W;e P:Numbered }HH(?yIKHH(( >eP <e Parent = OL Q=e Depth = 0 }H(?}JLH(  W?eN }H(?KMH(  W@eY } H(?LN H(  WAe }H ?MOH  WBe P:CellBody }HH ?NPHH  WCeP }H ?OQH  WDeN }H ?PRH  WEeN } H ?QS H  WFe }H ?RTH  WGeP:CellHeading }HH ?SUHH  WHeP }H ?TVH  WIeN }H ?UWH  WJeN } H ?VX H  WKe }H ?WYH  WLe P:Footnote }HH ?XZHH  WMeP }H ?Y[H  WNeN }H ?Z\H  WOeN } H ?[] H  WPe }H(?\^H( WQe P:Bulleted }HH(?]_HH((TeLI Re Parent = UL QSe Depth = 0 }H(?^`H( WUeN }H(?_aH( WVeN } H(?`b H( WWe }H ?acH WXe P:Heading2 }HH ?bdHH WYeH* }H ?ceH WZeN }H ?dfH W[eN } H ?eg H W\e }H?fhH]% P:HeadingRuPEnIn }HH?giHH W^eP }H?hjH W_eN }H?ikH W`eN } H?jl H Wae }7H ?km7H Wbe P:Indented }H7H ?lnH7H WceP }7H ?mo7H WdeN }7H ?np7H WeeN } 7H ?oq 7H Wfe }CH?prCHg% P:TableFootPEnote }HCH?qsHCH WheP }CH?rtCH WieN }CH?suCH WjeN } CH?tv CH Wke }]H(?uw]H( Wle P:TableTitle }H]H(?vxH]H((oeLI me Parent = OL Qne Depth = 0 }]H(?wy]H( WpeN }]H(?xz]H( WqeN } ]H(?y{ ]H( Wre }H ?z|H Wse P:BodySpaced }HH ?{}HH WteP }H ?|~H WueN }H ?}H WveN } H ?~ H Wwe }H ?H WxeP:Date }HH ?HH WyeP }H ?H WzeN }H ?H W{eN } H ? 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