A GIDO Generator
Kwan-Sung Kim
Project Proposal
In this project I will develop a GIDO generator from IDSs such as
Tripwire and Centrax. GIDO (General Intrusion Detection Object) is
common currency of information exchange between components in CIDF
(Common Intrusion Detection Framework). The CIDF is under developing
project that IDSs can share information and resources and so that
intrusion detection components can be reused in other systems.
- Stuart Staniford-Chen, Brian Tung and Schnackenberg, D, A Common Intrusion Detection Framework, Information Survivability Workshop, October 1998.
- The Common Intrusion Detection Framework Architecture, 1999, CIDF working group document.
- A Common Intrusion Specification Language, 1999, CIDF working group document.
Send email to
[email protected].
Department of Computer Science
University of California at Davis
Davis, CA 95616-8562
Page last modified on 4/19/2000