
No office hour today

Posted by: Matt Bishop
Date: Oct 18 at 12:38pm


I have to cancel my office hour today. I'll hold a make-up office hour on Monday from 10–10:50 (I may be a few minutes late, as I have to come from a class in Wellman).

Apologies for the short notice.

Hope this helps,
Matt Bishop

Homework #1 Revision

Posted by: Matt Bishop
Date: Oct 7 at 1:34pm

Hi, folks,

Problem 2 of the homework says to “Prompt the user for the lengths of the three sides separated by commas on a single input line.” This is changed to “Prompt the user for the lengths of the three sides, one per line.” In other words, prompt the user for one number at a time, once for each side.

If you have completed the homework already, you can leave it the way it was; I will accept either.

Hope this helps,
Matt Bishop

UC Davis sigil
Matt Bishop
Office: 2209 Watershed Sciences
Phone: +1 (530) 752-8060
Email: [email protected]
MHI 289I, Programming in Health Informatics

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