Scribes Signup Sheet

Please sign up to be a scribe; it counts for your participation points! You will need to take good notes, clean them up, and send them to me; you can use any of the following formats: ASCII text [TXT], Framemaker [MKR], troff(1) [TRO], latex(1) [TEX], or Microsoft Word [MSW]. (If you want to use something else, please check with me.) I will review the notes and put them out on the class web page. This will (1) help you to solidify and review the class material as you make up the notes, and (2) help everyone with the homework.

1.Monday, March 31Michael Clifford [PS] [TXT]
2.Wednesday, April 2Ricardo Anguiano [PS] [TEX] [TXT]
3.Friday, April 4Joel Baumert [PS] [TXT]
4.Monday, April 7Eddie Lo [PS] [TEX] [TXT]
5.Wednesday, April 9Christing Chung [MSW] [PS] [TXT]
6.Friday, April 11Alan Jondle [TXT]
7.Monday, April 14Scott Miller [PS] [TXT]
8.Wednesday, April 16Elizabeth Jurrus [MSW] [PS] [TXT] scribes class class
12.Friday, April 25Peter Mell [PS] [TXT]
13.Monday, April 28Doug Johnson
14.Wednesday, April 30Fritz Barnes [PS] [TXT]
15.Friday, May 2Eric Rosenthal [TXT]
16.Monday, May 5John Black [PS] [TEX]
17.Wednesday, May 7Michael Clifford [TXT] scribes
19.Monday, May 12Jeff Rowe
20.Wednesday, May 14Keith Kong [HTML]
21.Friday, May 16Joel Baumert
22.Monday, May 19Scott Miller [TXT]
23.Wednesday, May 21Alan Jondle [TXT] scribes class
26.Wednesday, May 28Eddie Lo
27.Friday, May 30Christina Chang [MSW] [PS]
28.Monday, June 2Eric Rosenthal [TXT]
29.Wednesday, June 4Fritz Barnes [PS] [TEX] [TXT] scribes

You can get this document in Postscript or ASCII text, but without the names and pointers.

Send email to [email protected].

Department of Computer Science
University of California at Davis
Davis, CA 95616-8562

Page last modified on 6/12/97